Dr Balkishan Agrawal



Week-1 27 Nov 2020

Today I have learnt that Thinking Digitally, it is a course which looks at expanding our digital skills, making effective use of the web to find and share information and knowledge, and developing practical skills in using digital media and read/write web applications including blogs and wikis. Working together we’ll create a range of digital artefacts (online glossaries, resource collections), and working individually with support I will produce a ‘digital artefact’ of my own on a topic of my choice.



11 December 2020



Today I learnt about which platform (, Padlet, wiki) to use for my project.

I have filled in the '' Planning your project topic''

I have studied '' Thinking Digitally learning Teaching evidence plan

I have sent an email to Michael requesting guidance on how to create a blog using and how to create a WIKI.


This week's session is going to be thinking about inclusion and accessibility. For this, I used Google Chrome as the browser , and I downloaded ChromeVox (available by clicking this link), and then clicking 'add to chrome'.  Once you have downloaded it I did not enable the extension - we'll enabled it during the session and then I had time to decide whether I wish to keep the extension or not 🙂

We'll began the session with a few minutes discussion about how we've all been affected by poor design, and how disabled people are often marginalised (or forgotten) when it comes to design (both digitally and more generally). 
Week-6 22 JAN 21
To recap this week's session was about:
Digital Identity: To think about how this project fits in (and may continue to fit in) with our current digital presence
Information currency: how recent the information in a source is. More recent usually - but not always - means better.
Information credibility: how much authority we should bestow on information. we should probably believe the WHO about Covid more than anyone else.
Logs:To  make sure I am  updating your activity logs which i am.

I have created the following Digital Artefacts


(1) I have created the following  post on

·       My post on Equality Act 2010

·      Edit Post ‹ Balkishanagrawal424's Blog — 

·       My post on Self Directed Support

·       Edit Post ‹ Balkishanagrawal424's Blog —

·       My post on ‘’How Covid19 vaccine work

·       Edit Post ‹ Balkishanagrawal424's Blog —

·       My post on ‘’UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability


(2) I have created blogs on

·       My post on Volunteering in Later Life

·       Post: Edit (

·       My post on ‘’Types of Discrimination under Equality Act 2010

·       Post: Edit (

·       I have created a blog about my ‘’Thinking Digitally Course Progress log

(3) I have created 3 Padlets

·       My Story (

·       Padlet I have collaborated with my co-participants is

·       Beginning of my story (

·       Padlet I have created on Self Directed Support

·       My epic padlet

·       Padlet I have created on Social Model of Disability

(4) I have created a Pinboard on Pinterest abot Microsoft Office 365


(5) I have created a WIKI on entitled

Equality Act 2010

EQUALITY ACT 2010 Wiki | Fandom

WEEK7 - 29th JAN 21- Today we watched each other's blog and made some constructive comments.

WEEK 8- 5th Feb21- Today we listened to a talk by Andy McMahon of Lead Scotland on the following subject:

Creating inclusive teaching materials

Updated on 15 January 2021

This guide provides brief background information on accessibility and its importance. It also offers practical help so you can make inclusive teaching materials, including Word documents, PDFs, presentations, and videos.

Here is the link to the University of Dundee

Creating inclusive teaching materials | University of Dundee

 WEEK9- 12th FEB 21 

Today Michael gave a talk on how to write in Plain English and we accessed the website for Plain English Campaign. Here is the link to the website. 

This is the link to the Plain English Campaign

Plain English Campaign

I have read the various guides on the website and learnt about how to write in Plain English. 

Week 10- 19th February 21 

This week’s guest speaker was Irene McIntosh of mhor collective.

Home - Mhor Collective

Irene talked about digital participation and digital inequality. 

Here is a link for a video on their website.

Mhor Collective - a testimonial by Jamie Trout - YouTube

I have created my own video about Digital Participation and digital inequality on my You Tube Channel. I have added subtitles to make the video accessible. Here is the link .

My experience of Thinking Digitally Course - YouTube

I have created a Prezi from Government Equality Office Document 

‘’ Equality Act- Easy Read’’. Here is the link .

The Equality Act, EASY READ.pdf | Prezi Design 

WEEK 11- 26 Feb 21 

Today we discussed what we have been during the past week. I shared my Power Point presentation entitled  

‘’ Six Ways to Improve Online Security.’’ 

4th March 2021 

Today( World Hearing Day) I created a presentation on Canva entitled ‘’ Future of Communication for People with Hearing Loss’’. I have also uploaded this presentation to Prezi. Here is the link for Prezi.

WEEK 12- 12th March 21 

This week’s homework was for us to use digital tools to create some logos. I have created several logos and added them to presentations on Canva and on Power Point. 

Some of the logos I have created are: 





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