We need to ensure people in later life have the 

opportunity to contribute to their communities

By the time people reach later life, 

the majority have some 

experience of contributing to their 

community – either in a formal 

volunteering role, or by helping 

out friends and neighbours.

However, looking to the future, 

there is no room for 

complacency. The older 

population is changing – it is 

already becoming more ethnically 

diverse, and more people are 

living for longer, often with long term conditions and caring 


Our communities currently rely 

on a ‘civic core’ of highly engaged 

individuals, who are mainly 

healthier, wealthier and white. But 

this group may not be able to 

sustain its contributions in future, 

as more people work longer and 

care for longer.

Without action to attract and 

retain a more diverse pool of 

volunteers, organsiations working 

with volunteers may find their 

capacity is depleted.

If we don’t act now to engage 

a more diverse group of people in 

later life, communities will 

continue to miss out on the 

talents they bring. 



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